
Wash-Checks Washer-Disinfector Cleaning Monitor 100/bag, WC-101

  • Works like a chemical indicator! Checks the time, temperature and cleaning solution in your washer-disinfector.
  • Slide the Wash-Check test strip into its holder. Hang the test anywhere in your washer.
  • If the red circle is gone at the end of washer cycle - your washer is working effectively. If any red test soil remains, do another test. If it fails again - have a tech look at your washer.
  • User-Friendly! Quick & easy to use.

The only reliable method to ensure the washer-disinfector is working adequately. Disposable Wash Monitors & Reusable Holders for Monitoring the Wash Process in Washer-Disinfectors Check the effectiveness of the wash process in your ultrasonic cleaner with a consistent monitor on a routine basis.

When cleaning conditions are effective, test soil on monitor is dissolved. The test soil (red dot) simulates human blood and tissue debris.

When the test is placed in the holder the test soil is half obscured, simulating the joint of a surgical instrument. The removal of all test soil indicates effective cleaning.


Check your wash/detergent system effectiveness with a consistent monitor on a routine basis. If insufficient time, temperature, detergent concentration, spray arm function or enzyme soak occurs, a RED residue remains.

Test soil is designed to parallel the removal of blood and tissue from surgical instruments. No actual blood components from any source are contained in the test soil. Low cost monitor promotes routine use. We recommend monitoring every shelf of every washer each day for a machine release and using a minimum of one Wash-Checks? monitor per load when the washer has proven effective. Use with reusable Wash-Checks? holder. Holder acts as a hinged instrument, measuring impingement.