HSB - House Brand Dentistry
VPS Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material, 4/Pk
- The first vinyl polysiloxane automix system used worldwide: for over twenty years, dentists who prefer a hand-mixed putty system have relied on Express impression material to deliver accurate, reliable results.
- Great detail reproduction through superior hydrophilicity and flow behaviour.
- Offers technique flexibility, which gives dentists the freedom to use either the two-step or simultaneous putty-wash technique.
- Superior hydrophilicity.
Expressâ ž ¢ Light Body Fast Set VPS material for 2-step putty/wash and one-step tray/wash techniques for automatic mixing and dispensing in Garantâ ž ¢ dispenser. Convincing features and benefits provide a first-class basis for uncompromising impression accuracy and perfectly fitting restorations.
Express VPS impression material combines accurate, reliable results and convenient delivery with the easy-to-use Garantâ ž ¢ Dispenser.