
SureFil SDR Flow+ Resin Bulk Fill, Light-Cure, Compula Tips Intro Kit, 0.25 g, Universal, 61C100

Pack Type
  • Acts as a base for Class I and II cavities, pits, and fissures
  • Utilized as a standalone restorative in non-occlusal contact applications
  • Highly radiopaque material containing fluoride
  • 40% shorter placement time compared with other restoratives

Surefil SDR Flow+ Bulk Fill Flowable is a single-component, light-cured composite restorative material that serves as a base for Class I and II restorations, as well as core build-ups. The formulation enables the delivery in 4 mm increments without producing too much polymerization stress, lessening placement time by up to 40%.

With its self-leveling handling properties, SDR Flow+ Bulk Fill Flowable supports superior cavity adaptation as it reduces instrument manipulation for improved efficiency. It features improved wear resistance and greater radiopacity.

Each Intro Kit contains 25 (0.25 g) SDR Flow+ compula tips in universal shade and 1 x compule tips gun.