Spa Dent, Take-Home, Whitening System, 10% Active Blend, Refill Syringes, 4/Pk, A126101 (Discontinued)
- Tray sheets for production of customized whitening trays
- Home Whitening Gel in 1,2 ml- or 3 ml-syringes
- After Whitening Mousse for desensitizing and remineralization with a fruity taste in 1,2 ml- or 3 ml-syringes
- Light curing blocker as spacer for laboratory models
Home Whitening Gel is available in different concentrations for different wear times of the trays. This assures flexibility for the treatment. The number of applications can be adjusted to the patient?s needs.
The specific formulation combines a gentle whitening with optimal results. Therefore sensitivity and dehydration of the teeth are minimized. After Whitening Mousse remineralizes the teeth effectively after the whitening treatment.