Pola Office Tooth Whitening System, 37.5% Hydrogen Peroxide, 1-Patient Kit, without Retractor, 1/Pk, 7700430

  • Rapid bleaching action under 30 minutes
  • Requires no bleaching light
  • Designed with built-in desenstizer
  • No-mix formulation for direct application

Get faster and more effective results with Pola Office+ 1-Patient Kit, which works even without a bleaching light. The kit contains gels with 37.

5% hydrogen peroxide solution that helps accelerate the bleaching process. The heat-emitting light reduces the time to less than 30 minutes, improving the bleaching process even more.

The solution also contains potassium nitrate, which blocks nerve endings and acts as a built-in desensitizer. The gel only needs 8-minute applications, three times a day, to achieve its full effect.

Each 1-Patient Kit contains 1 (2.8 ml) syringe of Polaoffice+, 1 (1 g) gingival barrier syringe, and accessories.