GC America
Miracle Mix Metal-Reinforced Core Build-Up Material, Triple-Cure, Liquid, 10 g/Bt, 1/Pk, 000122
Pack Type
- Sets and finishes within 4 minutes
- Minimizes secondary decays
- Easily differentiated from surrounding teeth
- Offers high fluoride release
Miracle Mix is a silver alloy-reinforced glass ionomer restorative designed as a transitional restoration material used as a core build-up in dental procedures that require high color contrast and radiopacity. The silver alloy powder formulation guarantees long-lasting build-ups and prevents flaking or chipping when cut or trimmed.
Miracle Mix features a fast setting time of 4 minutes, prevents the discoloration of surrounding teeth, and is a fluoride-releasing to reduce secondary caries. The strong chemical bond it forms eliminates the need for pins and undercuts.
Available in capsules and powder-liquid systems.