GC America

Gradia Core Automix Core Build-Up Material, Self-Etch/ Dual-Cure, Cartridge Refill, 10 ml, 1/Pk, 003652

  • Has excellent flow to prevent void in bonded core
  • With cutting characteristics identical to dentin
  • Provides extended working time and dual-cure
  • Automix system allows for easy application

Gradia Core is a self-etching and dual-cure bonding system that is easy to combine, producing a homogenous mix ideal for core build-up and post cementation. The optimal consistency allows for superior flow that inhibits voids to ensure high microtensile strength and bond durability to enamel, dentin, and fiber posts.

Gradia Core has radiopacity that is identical to dentin and enamel. With its dentin-like cutting properties, it decreases the stress on the remaining tooth structure.

It provides extended working time and rapid curing.