
DiaFil LC Nanohybrid Composite 4gm Syringe A3O


  • Reduces polymerization shrinkage for less post-operative sensitivity and secondary cavities due to marginal leakage
  • Excellent fracture toughness, high tensile, and compressive strengths for long-lasting results
  • Does not stick to instruments, adapts well to margins, wear & high fracture resistant
  • Remarkable colour stability and fast polymerization time of 20 seconds

DiaFil Light-Cured Nanohybrid Composite. DiaFil? is a light-cured nanohybrid composite that utilizes the latest in nanoparticle technology, maximizing the advantages of both the esthetic of microfilled composite and the strength and durability of hybrid composites. It creates a beautiful and durable restoration that maintains a long-lasting gloss shine. 4g, Syringe, A3O.