GC America

COE Nickel-Plated Impression Trays, Partial Perforated, # 31, 1/Pk

  • #31, Upper Right / Lower Left
  • Rigid but bendable for perfect fit
  • Edges allow for pressure buildup
  • Apply adhesives to ensure no separation during removal

COE Nickel-Plated Impression trays are rigid but bendable for a perfect fit, while its welded, rimlock edges allow for pressure buildup. These trays come in various #s, shapes, and types to fit specific needs.

Use the full-arch trays for greater cases of three or more units. Partial trays are specific for cases with one or two units.

For tray #s, the larger the #, the smaller the tray number.Apply adhesives on all trays to ensure no separation during removal from the mouth.